a digital notes compendium for readers, listeners, watchers and learners.
Does this ever happen to you? You read a book, or listen to a podcast, and think “Gee whizz, that’s interesting! I hope my brain remembers this information later!”
But when later comes…
And the knowledge has quietly slipped away…

Because it does to us. We tried making a simple ‘my notes’ document, buying a notebook, and even downloaded a notes app.
But when we couldn’t tag ideas, or categorise our learnings, or easily find other related sources, we got frustrated.
And that’s why we created the Learner’s Archive!
A silky-smooth digital catalogue system to collect and organise all the things our brains won’t.
Benefits include (but are not limited to):
1⤑ Having a inventory of your learnings to easily draw on for your own work, writing, or research.
2⤑ Being able to find your favourite facts, insights and quotes with just a few clicks, for events, speeches, or simply dinner party discussions.
3⤑ Helping your brain become a better storage facility itself by employing a patterned format for extracting key notes, points, and concepts (it turns out that brains love patterns).

The Learners Archive is a digital index card system that captures all your insights.
∾ No more rummaging through your notes app!
∾ No more scribbles in the margins of books on dusty shelves!
∾ No more “I can’t remember where I read this, but…”
Keep all your gathered wisdoms, quotable quotes, and ah-ha moments filed away in a digital cabinet. They are treasures after all!
The Learners Archive comes in two forms:

For scribblers
A beautifully tabulated and navigated digital canvas for your thoughts. The PDF version comes with clickable tabs for seamless navigation and is designed for PDF annotation apps such as GoodNotes, Noteshelf, Notability, or Xodo. (Or printing?)

For spreadsheeters
A fully automated and formulated slick little spreadsheet, where you won't need to write anything twice. In the Google Sheet version the contents page acts as a library desk, and can sort out your content according to topic, tag and format.
A clickable directory homepage for all your topics, tags, lists and source cards.
A home for bite-size information.
Your personal dictionary of stumbled upon favourite words and phrases.
A place to keep track of all the movies, shows, books, podcasts, social accounts and more that people suggest to you.
Fully navigable index pages for the categories of content you want to take notes on.
Thoughtfully designed source cards to capture your notes, favourite quotes, key takeaways, any bibliographic information, related resources your review and more.
Download the PDF on the check out page. It will also be emailed as a link in your receipt.
Use with your favourite annotation app (we use Goodnotes) or access the Google Sheets via the link on the second page of the PDF. Enjoy!